SDScribe™ 2022 update (v.8.06)

We have released a minor update to SDScribe™. It is a free update for licensed SDScribe™ 2022 users, and you can either update it when reminded (on program startup), or from our existing customers page. Here are the revisions:

  • Made some minor changes to section titles, hazard classification names, and other descriptions in Korean.

  • Revised the California Proposition 65 warning text in Korean and French, so that it corresponds to the State of California recommended translations.

  • Fixed an issue with action item dialog warnings for certain physical-chemical properties when missing, when they should have appeared as optional items (for GHS revisions “US”, “CA”, and UN revisions 3-5).

  • Fixed an issue where the generated SDS could have a blank chemical name in Section 15 for regulation applicability, if the user had appended a carriage return at the end of the text.

  • During SDS generation, the program can now substitute for chemical names claimed as trade secrets in Section 15. Previously, the program could perform this task in Sections 11 and 12 only. As before, these substitutions will only appear in the generated SDS; they do not revise the chemical names on the SDS entry form. Moreover, the replacement only occurs when there’s an exact match on the text; replacement won’t occur with synonyms, and it’s not uncommon for a regulatory listing to use a different name than the one you have listed for the component in Section 3.