SDScribe™ 2019 update (v.5.13)

We have another update to SDScribe™ 2019, v.5.13 (the previous release was v.5.11). This is a free update for SDScribe™ 2019 customers.

This is a maintenance release that fixes a few bugs, and adds two “preview” features. The preview features are still in development. We will probably make additional changes, and may add guidance and examples. They will be part of the SDScribe™ 2020 release. If you preview the previews, let us know what you think.

As usual, if you are an existing user, the program should notify you on startup that an update is available for download.

Below is a summary of some of the changes.


  • Made a change to licensing and real-number calculations to enable the program to be used in regions where the comma (“,”) is used as the decimal character, instead of the period (“.”). Previous versions of the program only accepted the period, so you would have had to change your decimal character in a Windows control panel (“Clock, language, and region” -> “Change the date, time, or number format”).

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) section

  • (Preview feature) — Added an “FDA label” tab that can generate a consumer label for end-user packaging. The label includes the FDA “Drug Facts” box. You might find this feature useful if your product is sold in consumer packaging and is either an over-the-counter (OTC) drug, or a drug-cosmetic combination. Because the ingredients that appear on the label come from the Components table (on SDS Tab “3 Composition”), we added a few columns to that table which are FDA-specific.

    Note that if your product is cosmetic in nature only (it has no drug effects), you do not need the “Drug Facts” box on a consumer label.

  • (Preview feature) — Added a bilingual GHS label. Make sure you have selected a non-English language in the drop-down menu at upper right on the SDS entry form. Then, from the “Label” menu on the form, you can select either the English or the non-English language. When the “GHS generate label options” dialog appears, select “Bilingual” as the label type. To use this label effectively, you should have entered some content into the non-English (NE) companion fields.
